
High School Musical and Game Night

Letitia and Olivia invited Emerald, Tina and Manny over after school to watch High School Musical...I did my best to answer all of their questions regarding the characters in the movie. Will enjoyed the movie, too...I think because the girls kept him quiet with one bite of cookie after another. Then, Tina and Emerald stayed for dinner when James, Steve, Jack and Joseph joined us for lasagna. The boys brought me a basket of fruit for hosting dinner! Anne Barnes and Lauren taught them how to play farkle with dice...it was a BIG hit. Olivia and Letitia were proud to share their chocolate chip cookies. =) Another highlight from the day was the gift the girls received at school - Chinese Bibles. They asked to see mine and then wanted to take pictures with me and the Bibles since they are "special." Great conversation followed. Good times!

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